• 20 min read

How to Build a Bookmark app using Tailwind, React and Strapi

In this tutorial, we will build a bookmarking app to demonstrate how we can use Tailwind CSS framework and Reactjs to design, develop the app & learn how to consume our Strapi APIs from Reactjs.


July 8, 2021

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Frame 84-2.png
    • Get Started

      Simply copy and paste the following command line in your terminal to create your first Strapi project.

      npx create-strapi-app
    • Strapi Cloud

      Deploy your Strapi project in few minutes.

    tweet selection
    • Strapi Cloud

      Deploy your Strapi project in few minutes.

    Chidume Nnamdi
    Software Engineer

    Author of "Understanding JavaScript", Chidume is also an awesome writer about JavaScript, Angular, React and other web technologies.