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  • 23 min read

How to Create a Task Time Tracker Chrome Extension With Strapi and ReactJs

Strapi v4

In this tutorial we shall yet see the power of Strapi in building a Task Tracker Chrome extension using ReactJs, Strapi, and Tailwind CSS.


Theodore Kelechukwu Onyejiaku

March 23, 2023

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How to Create a Task Time Tracker Chrome Extension With Strapi and React_.png
    • Get Started

      Simply copy and paste the following command line in your terminal to create your first Strapi project.

      npx create-strapi-app
    • Strapi Cloud

      Deploy your Strapi project in few minutes.

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    • Strapi Cloud

      Deploy your Strapi project in few minutes.

    Theodore Kelechukwu Onyejiaku
    Software Developer

    I am Theodore. A full-stack software developer and Technical Writer. I love building solutions, writing technical articles and sharing my expertise.