In case you missed it, this week, we published a recap of StrapiConf keynotes and the videos of both tracks, adopt and build.
This last post will wrap up everything discussed in the Integrate track, which covers the use of Strapi together with other JAMstack technologies and platforms such as Headless Commerce, Search, Authentification, Hosting, and Monitoring.
Integrate open-source search into your Strapi project by Charlotte Vermandel
Charlotte, Software Engineer at MeiliSearch kicked off the first talk with a discussion of the evolution of in app search and how to Integrate open-source search into a Strapi project.
The state of modern e-commerce by Francois Lanthier Nadeau
Next up, we had Francois Nadeau, Snipcart CEO, on stage to explore e-commerce from various aspects, including functionality, new solutions categories, and much more.
Enriching Commerce Data In Headless Architectures by Roy Derks
Staying on the topic of e-commerce. In this talk, we had Roy Derks from Saleor tackle the challenges of using a headless architecture for commerce sites and explained how Strapi can fit into an architecture like that.
Gather More Meaningfully with Strapi and Magic by Maricris Bonzo
Next on stage, we had Maricris, developer advocate at Magic, explain how she created a custom events page using Strapi backend and some tips to gather more meaningfully.
Examining Observability in Node.js using Strapi by Liz Parody
Liz, head of developer relations at NodeSource, took the stage after Maricris to explain what Observability is, its importance, and the tools to utilize. She also showcased a demo for observing a Strapi app.
Personalized Onboarding with Strapi and Encore by André Eriksson
In this talk, Andre, Founder and CEO of Encore, explained why combining Strapi and Encore can be powerful for user onboarding and activation.
Editorial workflows, GIT them here! by Chad Carlson
Chad from, led an interactive session and explained the challenges that non-developers, specifically the editorial team, face when using Headless CMS and the best practices to help them adapt to the new model.
Headless Commerce done right, with Commerce Layer by Bolaji Ayodeji
The last talk was presented by Bolaji, developer advocate at Commerce Layer, who shared the challenges of traditional ecommerce and how headless commerce can resolve them.
Victor Coisne is VP Marketing at Strapi, the leading Open Source Headless CMS. As an open-source and developer community enthusiast, Victor has been working for Open Core B2B companies for more than a decade including 5+ years as Head of Community at Docker. In his free time, Victor enjoys spending time with friends, wine tasting, playing chess, tennis or soccer.