• 6 min read

New Community Plugin: Content Moderation


February 17, 2022

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New Community Plugin_ Content Moderation.png
    • Get Started

      Simply copy and paste the following command line in your terminal to create your first Strapi project.

      npx create-strapi-app
    • Strapi Cloud

      Deploy your Strapi project in few minutes.

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    • Strapi Cloud

      Deploy your Strapi project in few minutes.

    Mateusz Ziarko
    Head of Frontend Engineering @ VirtusLab

    A multi-task Polish national with more than 12 years experience, Head of Frontend Engineering at VirtusLab. He is focusing on big things in every detail, supported by a team of around 50 engineers that keep pushing the digital transformation of their clients forward day by day. After hours (if that kind of word is even valid) a full-time dad and first sparring partner/teammate of future wannabe Formula 1 driver (privately his 7 years old son that trains karting).