Say hello to your most wanted feature: File Upload!
🚀 File Upload
Whether you are creating an API for a product, a mobile application or to manage content, uploading files is a must have. That clearly explains why more than 250 of you upvoted this feature
During the last few weeks, we have been working hard on it to offer you the best user experience. The plugin is installed by default in every new Strapi project to let you easily upload files and link them to Content Types.
From now on, you can upload files through the Strapi admin panel!
Single file
An entity defined in the Content Type is, by default, linked to a single file.
As an example, if you are creating an API for a blog, your probably need to add a cover image to your article:
Multiple files
A Content Type can also be related to many files. Click on the "Allow Multiple Files" checkbox in the Content Build Builder. Then, you will automatically be able to add as many files as you want to your record using a simple drag and drop.
This can be useful to set the content of a slider:
Direct upload
In some cases, files do not need to be linked to an entity, especially to make generic files (eg. logos) public.
The File Upload section is here to help you:
Using storage services
Ideally, these files should be stored on your own server or on any storage provider (AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, Cloudinary, etc.) to let your API go at scale. This extensibility is included in the new plugin: we published the strapi-upload-aws-s3 package. You can fork it and develop your own connector for your favorite storage provider (pull requests are welcomed).
Your API deserves specific configurations, such as file limit size.
All these settings can be updated from the plugin's configuration section.
Documentation and example
A dedicated section has been added to the documentation.
An example is always the best way to see a feature live. For that reason, we updated the Strapi with React project.
🚀 Translations
Strapi has been translated in Turkish 🇹🇷 and Chinese 🇨🇳.
Here is the full changelog:
Thank you, abdonrd, Froelund, jamesdbruner, lucaperret, moersoy, msgeissler, rockmandash and TheWebsDoor for your contributions!
Give it a try!
Looking forward to try this new version?
- Node 9 installed on your machine.
- MongodDB installed and running.
Install it:
1$ npm i strapi@alpha -g
Check installation:
1$ strapi -v
This should print 3.0.0-alpha.11
Create your first project:
1$ strapi new my-app
Choose your database credentials.
Start your server:
1$ cd my-app
2$ strapi start
Open the admin panel, start building your API, give a look at the documentation to discover the next steps and join us on Slack to give your feedback.
Migrating from v3@alpha.10 to v3@alpha.11
If you are already building an API using v3@alpha.10, we recommend you to to migrate to v3@alpha.11.
Win some stickers!
We recently received hundreds of Strapi stickers:
Strapi stickers are available! Visit the Shop page to get some of them: 😃
— Strapi (@strapijs) 12 mars 2018
Try to win one of the three available bunch of stickers by retweeting our latest tweet:
🔥 Strapi v3@alpha.11 released! 🚀
— Strapi (@strapijs) 21 mars 2018
File Upload and many other improvements:
RT to win Strapi stickers!
Three winners will be drawn among people having retweeted our latest tweet before April the 4th 12:00am Paris time.
What's next?
The second most wanted feature is the Rich Text Editor (WYSIWYG). We already started its development. This editor will support, by default, the Markdown syntax and will be built with DraftJS. It will be included in the next release.
Waiting for other improvements? Take a look a the roadmap, upvote features and comment this article to share your expectations.
Stay tuned!
The Strapi Team
Pierre created Strapi with Aurélien and Jim back in 2015. He's a strong believer in open-source, remote and people-first organizations. You can also find him regularly windsurfing or mountain-biking!