Strapi v3@alpha.9 has been released, with many new features and improvements. Let's discover what's new!
What’s new in alpha.9?
Alpha.8 was mostly dedicated to fixing bugs. But don't worry, alpha.9 just landed to bring you awesome new features:
🚀 Authentication with providers
Authenticating your users with email and password combination is great. However, letting them subscribe to your API using their Facebook, Google, GitHub or Twitter account is even better. This is called Authentication with Providers, and now available with Strapi alpha.9!
Related pull requests: 464 and 501.
🚀 Email templates customisation
The Users & Permissions plugin uses emails for some functionalities, such as Reset Password and Account Activation. Because your app deserves to be customised and potentially use another language than english, we gave you the ability to change the email templates content directly from the admin panel.
Related pull request: 499.
🚀 New configurations to disable sign-up and unique email
We gave you the ability to authorize, or not, registering multiple user accounts with the same email address (but connecting through different providers) and to enable/disable signup, within one-click.
Related pull request: 499.
🚀 Permissions in database
Each permission rules was stored in the project's file. However, sometimes you need to update them in production, which was not possible with an horizontal scaling servers architecture since files were written on each server.
From now, every permissions rules are stored in the database instead of hardcoded files.
🚀 Analytics Plugin
Every company needs to know how its API is used: how many users did subscribe during the last two weeks? How many times the products list has been requested? How many users posted a comment between the 1st and the 15th of January?
That's why we are pleased to introduce you the new Analytics plugin. You will see it installed by default in the project generated by v3@alpha.9. To get more informations, please schedule a demo.
🐛 Bug Fix
- Framework Fix package 'strapi-generate-new' rm files on Windows 469 by @Nsbx
- Framework Fix install connection test node module path on Windows 492 by @ArkhipovK
- Admin Fix undefined rootAdminpath in admin dev mode 490 by @gluxon
- Framework Fix PostgreSQL and MySQL query logs 507
- Plugin Fix save user model 534 by @Adriang71
💅 Enhancements
- Documentation Update documentation 491
- Admin Fix plugin's icon design on list-plugins page 460
- Plugin Add repo location in plugins package 480
- Plugin Auth email case-insensitive 442 by @lucaperret
- Framework Unescaped character in username/password 473 by @lucaperret
- Framework Add environment variable for username and password databases config 502 by @lucaperret
- Documentation Improve template issue GitHub 512
- Plugin Update roles with models 507
- Documentation Add email template documentation 526
Here is the full changelog:
Thank you @Nsbx, @ArkhipovK, @gluxon, @Adriang71 and @lucaperret for your contributions!
Give it a try!
Looking forward to try this new version?
- Node (8 or higher) installed on your machine.
- MongodDB installed and running.
Install it:
1$ npm i strapi@alpha -g
Check installation:
1$ strapi -v
It should print 3.0.0-alpha.9
Create your first project:
1$ strapi new my-app
Choose your database credentials.
Start your server:
1$ cd my-app
2$ strapi start
Open the admin panel, start building your API, give a look at the documentation to discover the next steps and join us on Slack to give your feedback.
Migrating from v3@alpha.8 to v3@alpha.9
If you are already building an API using v3@alpha.8, we recommend you to to migrate to v3@alpha.9. Don't worry, a fully detailed migration guide is available.
Win a t-shirt!
Some of you won a t-shirt during v3@alpha.7 release.
This time, it could be yours, so try to win one of the three available t-shirts by retweeting our latest tweet.
Three winners will be drawn among people having retweeted our latest tweet before the February 14th 12:00am Paris time.
What's next?
Strapi alpha.10 will be mostly dedicated to foundations consolidation. Every settings are currently stored in the projects files. Like for the permissions, you may need to update them in production. That's why we are going to store some of them in the database. Also, the input component that we are currently using in the admin panel start becoming a mess: before to go any further, we are going to make it easier to use.
Stay tuned!
The Strapi Team
Pierre created Strapi with Aurélien and Jim back in 2015. He's a strong believer in open-source, remote and people-first organizations. You can also find him regularly windsurfing or mountain-biking!