Did you join us last time?? We had a good time! Last week, the Strapi Team hosted an Online Meetups showcasing the new Strapi - Sentry Plugin as well as diving into a really interesting concept - Jamstack Monitoring. It is a generally new concept for most, so if you're unaware, we're here to catch you up!
Here is a quick recap of this webinar, including the video recording and some questions from the audience.
By the numbers:
- 109 registrants 👥
- +50 attendees 🔊
- +121 messages 💬
- 8 questions ❓
In this webinar, we introduced the Sentry plugin for Strapi, which allows anyone to easily configure Sentry within your Strapi Application and get all the context needed to understand what events led to errors.
We used a Jamstack demo app (Strapi as backend and React for the frontend) to show you how you can automatically send errors encountered in your application's end API and frontend framework to Sentry and attach useful metadata to Sentry events, to help you with debugging.
Audience Questions
What type of platform should be selected while creating a project in Sentry for Strapi? NodeJS or Koa?? You can select either Koa or Node.js
If using containers, can multiple containers use the same DSN Yes. You can have a look at this resource As shared, the best practice to have 1 DSN per git repo.
Seeing source code and stack-traces is nice, but what to do if my company has on prem GitLab hidden under VPN? You can do that by following the info here
Do you have to specify to Sentry manually that the error was resolved, or will it pick it up when the issue is stale?
You can use the sentry-cli to set that up. There's also releases which Sentry helps out with.
Can't wait till the next one 😄
Developer Relations @ Weaviate | Developer Education and Experience | Builder and International Speaker