Strapi plugin logo for CKEditor 5

CKEditor 5

Replaces the default Strapi WYSIWYG editor with a customized build of CKEditor 5 packed with useful plugins. (Unofficial integration)

thumbnail for CKEditor 5

Strapi ➕ CKEditor

Integrates CKEditor 5 into your Strapi project as a fully customizable custom field. (Community edition)

👋 Get Started

✨ Features

  • Extensive configuration
  • Media Library integration
  • Dark theme support
  • Fullscreen expansion
  • Responsive images support
  • Automatic UI translations
  • i18n support
  • Self-Hosted

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🔧 Installation

Strapi v5:

Add the package to your Strapi application:

yarn add @_sh/strapi-plugin-ckeditor

Then, build the app:

yarn build

Strapi v4:

Version 3 of the plugin will remain available for Strapi v4 until March 2026. Refer to the v3 installation guide for setup instructions.

Note: Version 3 receives only essential bug fixes. The configuration process and available features in version 3 differ significantly from the latest plugin versions.

✍️ Usage

The field can be found in the Content-Type Builder under the CUSTOM tab:


A preset is a set of settings that define the editor's features and appearance. You can specify a dedicated preset for each field. The available presets can be customized through the configuration.

The plugin provides two presets out of the box: Default HTML editor and Default Markdown editor, each has different output format: HTML and Markdown, respectively. Both presets include an extensive set of non-premium CKEditor plugins.

Default HTML editor:

Default Markdown editor:

Responsive images

The plugin generates srcset attribute for inserted images if the image has any formats other than thumbnail.

UI language: If you don't specify the UI language in the editor configuration, the plugin will default to the Strapi admin's preferred language. If no preference is set, English will be used as a fallback.

Content language: i18n for the editor's content language can be enabled by checking the Enable localization for this field option in the Advanced Settings tab.

💡 It is important to use the content styles on the publishing side of your application. Otherwise, the content will look different in the editor and for your end users. Follow the documentation.

⚙️ Configuration

The plugin configuration must be defined on the front-end. The plugin provides a setPluginConfig function, which accepts a plugin configuration (PluginConfig) that can include an array of presets and a theme object:

1import { setPluginConfig } from '@_sh/strapi-plugin-ckeditor';
3function setPluginConfig(pluginConfig: {
4  presets: Preset[] | undefined;
5  theme: Theme | undefined;
6}): void;

Key points:

  • The function must be invoked before the admin panel's bootstrap lifecycle function. The general recommendation is to call it inside the admin panel's register lifecycle function.
  • Provided properties will overwrite the default configuration values.
  • The configuration becomes immutable after the first invocation, preventing further modifications.

Plugin configuration object includes optional presets and theme properties:

1type PluginConfig = {
2  /**
3   * Presets are sets of settings that define the editor's features and appearance.
4   */
5  presets?: Preset[];
6  /**
7   * Styles applied globally to every editor instance.
8   */
9  theme?: Theme;

presets is an array of objects of type Preset. Each preset includes the following properties:

1type Preset = {
2  /**
3   * Preset name, displayed in the schema.
4   */
5  name: string;
6  /**
7   * Preset description, displayed in the Content-Type Builder.
8   */
9  description: string;
10  /**
11   * CKEditor configuration object.
12   *
13   * @see {@link | CKEditor documentation}
14   */
15  editorConfig: EditorConfig;
16  /**
17   * Additional styles applied to the editor instance after the theme styles.
18   */
19  styles?: EditorStyles;

theme object defines a plugin CSS styles applied to every editor instance. It includes the following properties:

2 * The `common` styles are applied first, followed by `light` or `dark` styles
3 * according to user preferences, and finally `additional` styles.
4 */
5type Theme = {
6  /**
7   * Core styles.
8   */
9  common?: EditorStyles;
10  /**
11   * Styles applied in light mode.
12   */
13  light?: EditorStyles;
14  /**
15   * Styles applied in dark mode.
16   */
17  dark?: EditorStyles;
18  /**
19   * Additional styles that complement the theme.
20   */
21  additional?: EditorStyles;
2 * Represents styles that can be applied to an editor instance.
3 * Can be a plain CSS string or an array of interpolations for dynamic styling.
4 */
5export type EditorStyles = string | Interpolation<object>[];

Default presets and theme

To simplify the process of defining a new preset, the plugin exports default presets and a default theme, which can be used as a base in custom configurations:

1import {
2  defaultTheme,
3  defaultHtmlPreset,
4  defaultMarkdownPreset,
5} from '@_sh/strapi-plugin-ckeditor';

Integration with Strapi's Media Library

To integrate CKEditor with the Strapi's Media Library, the plugin provides two CKEditor plugins that can be included in your presets without additional configuration:

1import { StrapiMediaLib, StrapiUploadAdapter } from '@_sh/strapi-plugin-ckeditor';

Available type definitions

The following type definitions are available for use:

1import type {
2  PluginConfig,
3  Preset,
4  EditorConfig,
5  Theme,
6  EditorStyles,
7} from '@_sh/strapi-plugin-ckeditor';
Type definitions
2 * Plugin configuration object.
3 */
4export type PluginConfig = {
5  /**
6   * Presets are sets of settings that define the editor's features and appearance.
7   */
8  presets?: Preset[];
9  /**
10   * Styles applied globally to every editor instance.
11   */
12  theme?: Theme;
2 * Preset is a set of settings that define the editor's features and appearance.
3 */
4export type Preset = {
5  /**
6   * Preset name, displayed in the schema.
7   */
8  name: string;
9  /**
10   * Preset description, displayed in the Content-Type Builder.
11   */
12  description: string;
13  /**
14   * Additional styles applied to the editor instance after the theme styles.
15   */
16  styles?: EditorStyles;
17  /**
18   * CKEditor configuration object.
19   *
20   * @see {@link | CKEditor documentation}
21   */
22  editorConfig: EditorConfig;
2 * CKEditor configuration object.
3 *
4 * @see {@link | CKEditor documentation}
5 */
6export type EditorConfig = CKE5EditorConfig;
2 * Styles applied globally to every editor instance.
3 *
4 * @remarks
5 *
6 * The `common` styles are applied first, followed by `light` or `dark` styles
7 * according to the preferences, and finally `additional` styles.
8 */
9export type Theme = {
10  /**
11   * Core styles.
12   */
13  common?: EditorStyles;
14  /**
15   * Styles applied in light mode.
16   */
17  light?: EditorStyles;
18  /**
19   * Styles applied in dark mode.
20   */
21  dark?: EditorStyles;
22  /**
23   * Additional styles that complement the theme.
24   */
25  additional?: EditorStyles;
2 * Represents styles that can be applied to an editor instance.
3 * Can be a plain CSS string or an array of interpolations for dynamic styling.
4 */
5export type EditorStyles = string | Interpolation<object>[];

Configuration examples:

Adding a new preset [JS]
1// src/admin/app.js
3import {
4  Bold,
5  Italic,
6  Essentials,
7  Heading,
8  Image,
9  ImageCaption,
10  ImageStyle,
11  ImageToolbar,
12  ImageUpload,
13  Link,
14  List,
15  Paragraph,
16} from 'ckeditor5';
18import { setPluginConfig, StrapiMediaLib, StrapiUploadAdapter } from '@_sh/strapi-plugin-ckeditor';
20const myCustomPreset = {
21  name: 'myCustomPreset',
22  description: 'myCustomPreset description',
23  editorConfig: {
24    licenseKey: 'GPL',
25    plugins: [
26      Bold,
27      Italic,
28      Essentials,
29      Heading,
30      Image,
31      ImageCaption,
32      ImageStyle,
33      ImageToolbar,
34      ImageUpload,
35      Link,
36      List,
37      Paragraph,
38      StrapiMediaLib,
39      StrapiUploadAdapter,
40    ],
41    toolbar: [
42      'heading',
43      '|',
44      'bold',
45      'italic',
46      'link',
47      'bulletedList',
48      'numberedList',
49      '|',
50      'strapiMediaLib',
51      '|',
52      'undo',
53      'redo',
54    ],
55  },
58const myConfig = {
59  /**
60   * Note: Since the provided `presets` include only `myCustomPreset`
61   * this configuration will overwrite default presets.
62   */
63  presets: [myCustomPreset],
66export default {
67  register() {
68    setPluginConfig(myConfig);
69  },
Adding a new preset [TS]
1// src/admin/app.tsx
3import {
4  Bold,
5  Italic,
6  Essentials,
7  Heading,
8  Image,
9  ImageCaption,
10  ImageStyle,
11  ImageToolbar,
12  ImageUpload,
13  Link,
14  List,
15  Paragraph,
16} from 'ckeditor5';
18import {
19  type PluginConfig,
20  type Preset,
21  setPluginConfig,
22  StrapiMediaLib,
23  StrapiUploadAdapter,
24} from '@_sh/strapi-plugin-ckeditor';
26const myCustomPreset: Preset = {
27  name: 'myCustomPreset',
28  description: 'myCustomPreset description',
29  editorConfig: {
30    licenseKey: 'GPL',
31    plugins: [
32      Bold,
33      Italic,
34      Essentials,
35      Heading,
36      Image,
37      ImageCaption,
38      ImageStyle,
39      ImageToolbar,
40      ImageUpload,
41      Link,
42      List,
43      Paragraph,
44      StrapiMediaLib,
45      StrapiUploadAdapter,
46    ],
47    toolbar: [
48      'heading',
49      '|',
50      'bold',
51      'italic',
52      'link',
53      'bulletedList',
54      'numberedList',
55      '|',
56      'strapiMediaLib',
57      '|',
58      'undo',
59      'redo',
60    ],
61  },
64const myConfig: PluginConfig = {
65  /**
66   * Note that since provided `presets` includes only `myCustomPreset`
67   * this configuration will overwrite default presets.
68   */
69  presets: [myCustomPreset],
72export default {
73  register() {
74    setPluginConfig(myConfig);
75  },
Default presets modification [TS]
1// src/admin/app.tsx
3import { css } from 'styled-components';
5import {
6  type PluginConfig,
7  type Preset,
8  setPluginConfig,
9  defaultHtmlPreset,
10  defaultMarkdownPreset,
11} from '@_sh/strapi-plugin-ckeditor';
13const defaultHtml: Preset = {
14  ...defaultHtmlPreset,
15  description: 'Modified default HTML editor',
16  styles: `
17    .ck { 
18      color: red; 
19    }
20  `,
21  editorConfig: {
22    ...defaultHtmlPreset.editorConfig,
23    placeholder: 'Modified default HTML editor',
24    toolbar: [
25      'heading',
26      '|',
27      'bold',
28      'italic',
29      'link',
30      'bulletedList',
31      'numberedList',
32      '|',
33      'strapiMediaLib',
34      'insertTable',
35      '|',
36      'undo',
37      'redo',
38    ],
39  },
42const defaultMarkdown: Preset = {
43  ...defaultMarkdownPreset,
44  description: 'Modified default Markdown editor',
45  styles: css`
46    .ck {
47      --ck-editor-max-width: 1500px;
48      --ck-editor-min-height: 700px;
49      --ck-editor-max-height: 700px;
50    }
52 {
53      border: 3px dashed ${({ theme }) => theme.colors.warning500};
54    }
55  `,
58const myConfig: PluginConfig = {
59  presets: [defaultHtml, defaultMarkdown],
62export default {
63  register() {
64    setPluginConfig(myConfig);
65  },
Modifying theme [TS]
1// src/admin/app.tsx
3import { css } from 'styled-components';
5import { type PluginConfig, setPluginConfig, defaultTheme } from '@_sh/strapi-plugin-ckeditor';
7const myConfig: PluginConfig = {
8  theme: {
9    ...defaultTheme,
10    additional: css`
11      .ck {
12        --ck-editor-max-width: 1500px;
13        --ck-editor-min-height: 700px;
14        --ck-editor-max-height: 700px;
15      }
17 {
18        border: 3px dashed ${({ theme }) => theme.colors.warning500};
19      }
20    `,
21  },
24export default {
25  register() {
26    setPluginConfig(myConfig);
27  },
Adding Timestamp plugin [JS]
1// src/admin/app.js
3import { Plugin, ButtonView } from 'ckeditor5';
5import { setPluginConfig, defaultHtmlPreset } from '@_sh/strapi-plugin-ckeditor';
7class Timestamp extends Plugin {
8  init() {
9    const editor = this.editor;
10    editor.ui.componentFactory.add('timestamp', () => {
11      const button = new ButtonView();
12      button.set({
13        label: 'timestamp',
14        withText: true,
15      });
16      button.on('execute', () => {
17        const now = new Date();
18        editor.model.change(writer => {
19          editor.model.insertContent(writer.createText(now.toString()));
20        });
21      });
22      return button;
23    });
24  }
27export default {
28  register() {
29    defaultHtmlPreset.editorConfig.plugins.push(Timestamp);
30    defaultHtmlPreset.editorConfig.toolbar.unshift('timestamp');
31    setPluginConfig({ presets: [defaultHtmlPreset] });
32  },

📂 Default HTML preset: admin/src/config/htmlPreset.ts

📂 Default Markdown preset: admin/src/config/markdownPreset.ts

📂 Default theme: admin/src/theme

📌 It is highly recommended to explore the official CKEditor5 documentation.

💡 To display content from external sources, such as images or videos, in your admin panel, you need to configure your middlewares.js file. Check the documentation for details.

🛠 Contributing

Feel free to fork the repository and open a pull request, any help is appreciated.

Follow these steps to set up a plugin development environment:

  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Read the Strapi Plugin SDK documentation.

  3. Navigate to the cloned plugin folder and install dependencies, run:

yarn install
  1. Link the plugin to your project:

    • In the plugin folder, run:
    yarn watch:link
    • Open a new terminal, navigate to your Strapi project directory, and run:
    yarn dlx yalc add --link @_sh/strapi-plugin-ckeditor && yarn install
  2. Rebuild the project and start the server:

yarn build
yarn develop

✈️ Migration

To upgrade to the latest version, follow the dedicated migration guide for detailed instructions.

⚠️ Requirements


Strapi >= 5.0.0

Node >= 18.0.0 <= 22.x.x


Strapi >= 4.13.0 < 5.0.0

Node >= 18.0.0 <= 20.x.x

Install now

npm install @_sh/strapi-plugin-ckeditor


116 GitHub stars33356 weekly downloads

Last updated

59 days ago

Strapi Version

5.0.0 and above


github profile image for nshenderov

Useful links

Create your own plugin

Check out the available plugin resources that will help you to develop your plugin or provider and get it listed on the marketplace.