Strapi plugin logo for Cloudimage by Scaleflex

Cloudimage by Scaleflex

Cloudimage plugin for Strapi v4

Cloudimage plugin from Scaleflex for Strapi v4


npm install @cloudimage-strapi/content-plugin



Append url: 'domain (including the http/https:// part)'

Eg: if you website is called, then write like this:

1module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
2  host: env('HOST', ''),
3  port:'PORT', 1337),
4  app: {
5    keys: env.array('APP_KEYS'),
6  },
7  url: '',

It’s very important that you don’t forget to do this


  • You can enter either token or domain.
  • Whether your Cloudimage token is v7 or not, it will be auto-detected and set.

If you enter nothing or an invalid token, you will get this error.

In the rare case that we can’t auto-detect whether token is v7 or not, you will get the option to manually set it.

What the plugin brings

  1. This plugin simply gives client an interface to save the configuration settings.
  2. It also allows clients to Optimize (resize and accelerate) all previous images:

  • It will NOT Optimize (resize and accelerate) images that are already hosted on Filerobot
  • It will only sync images, no other media like video or audio.

Install now

npm install @cloudimage-strapi/content-plugin


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Last updated

387 days ago

Strapi Version



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