Strapi plugin logo for CDN Prefix

CDN Prefix

Prepend image urls with CDN Prefix on both Admin Panel and API's

Strapi CDN Prefix Plugin

This Strapi plugin allows you to automatically prepend a CDN link to your image URLs on both Admin Panel and API's.

⚙️ Installation

#  NPM
npm install strapi-plugin-cdn-prefix

# Yarn
yarn add strapi-plugin-cdn-prefix

🌐 Environment Configuration

For the plugin to work correctly, you need to add specific environment variables to your Strapi project. Add the following to your .env file:

#  .env

🚀 Usage

Once the plugin is installed and configured:

  1. Upload a new image or use an existing one from the Media Library.
  2. The image URL will automatically have the CDN base path prepended.

For example, if the image's path is /uploads/image.jpg, the output will be

Install now

npm install strapi-plugin-cdn-prefix


6 GitHub stars10 weekly downloads

Last updated

179 days ago

Strapi Version

>=4.0.0 <5.0.0-0


github profile image for Mert Ozen
Mert Ozen

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