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Gen Types

Generate types for the different collections, single types & components found in your application.

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Strapi Plugin Gen Types

Generate types for the different collections, single types & components found in your application.

Screenshot of Gen Types UI in Strapi Admin Panel

This plugin is still in development. Please use with caution.

This plugin will not run in production. It is only meant to be used in development.


yarn add strapi-plugin-gen-types
npm install strapi-plugin-gen-types


You can configure the plugin by updating the config/plugins.ts file in your Strapi project.

The following options are available:

  • outputLocation - The location where the types will be generated. Default: src/genTypes
  • singleFile - Whether to generate a single file for all types or separate files for each collection. Default: false
1// config/plugins.ts
2export default ({ env }) => ({
3  "gen-types": {
4    enabled: true,
5    config: {
6      outputLocation: "myTypes.ts",
7      // If this is true, then the outputLocation should be the location to a .ts file
8      singleFile: true,
9    },
10  },

The plugin will generate types for the collections found in the api folder of your Strapi project.

It will also add a few extra interfaces like User, Role, Media etc.

Admin UI

The plugin will add a new menu item Generated Types. This page will show the generated interfaces.

You can expand each interface to see the fields and their types.

Clicking on the copy button will copy the interface to your clipboard.




I am super new to React. I prefer Nuxt. I am not sure if how I implemented the Admin UI is the best way to do it. I would appreciate any help in improving it. Thanks.

Just fork the repo and create a PR. I will be happy to merge it.

Install now

npm install strapi-plugin-gen-types


5 GitHub stars85 weekly downloads

Last updated

24 days ago

Strapi Version

5.0.1 and above


github profile image for Behon Baker
Behon Baker

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