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Generate Data
Plugin verified by Strapi

Generate data for your content-types

thumbnail for Generate Data

Strapi plugin generate-data

This plugin is for generating data for your content-types.



  • It supports only string with RegExp pattern, email, richtext, integer, decimal, date, media(videos, images, audios, files), boolean enumeration, password, UID, relation, json fields of your content types.
  • Ability to publish data if you have draft mode for your type
  • Ability of choosing which field should be included in generating data
  • It has preview of data in table, which you want to upload
  • Ability of flushing data of the content type you want to upload the generated data
  • It creates content in draft if the content type has draft & publish option


To install this plugin, you need to add an NPM dependency to your Strapi application:

1# Using Yarn
2yarn add strapi-plugin-generate-data
4# Or using NPM
5npm install strapi-plugin-generate-data

It should be activated by default, but if you don't have it in your admin then enable the plugin manually in config/plugins

2    ...,
3    "generate-data": {
4        enabled: true,
5    },

Possible issues

  1. If you don't see generated images on ui and see in console error like content security policy for each image url then you need to update middleware strapi::security in config/middlewares like
2 {
3    name: "strapi::security",
4    config: {
5      contentSecurityPolicy: {
6        useDefaults: true,
7        directives: {
8          "connect-src": ["'self'", "https:"],
9          "img-src": ["'self'", "data:", "blob:", ``],
10          upgradeInsecureRequests: null,
11        },
12      },
13    },
14  },
  1. If you have issue with upload data locally try to use instead of localhost
  2. If you have issue with no Generate data plugin in left panel, try to run strapi build command it will build your app with plugins Preview


  • Strapi version 4.x.x

Future plans

  • Custom fields
  • Dynamic zones
  • Components

Install now

npm install strapi-plugin-generate-data


16 GitHub stars170 weekly downloads

Last updated

15 days ago

Strapi Version

4.0.0 and above


github profile image for Maksim Zhukau
Maksim Zhukau

Useful links

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