Strapi plugin logo for Media Prefix

Media Prefix

Prepend media urls (images, files, audios, ) with your public url/media prefix on both Admin Panel and API's

thumbnail for Media Prefix

strapi media prefix plugin Logo

Strapi Media Prefix Plugin

Prepend media urls (images, files, audios, ) with your public url/media prefix on both Admin Panel and API's just in response without changing the relative path in database

Prepend media url Screenshot

⚙️ Installation

npm install strapi-plugin-media-prefix
# or
yarn add strapi-plugin-media-prefix

✒️ Plugin Configuration

Enable the plugin by adding the following lines of code in the file: ./config/plugins.ts

1// ./config/plugins.ts
2export default () => ({
3  "media-prefix": {
4    enabled: true,
5  },

or in the file: ./config/plugins.js

1// ./config/plugins.js
2module.exports = {
3  'media-prefix': {
4    enabled: true,
5  },

🌐 Environment Configuration

The plugin can get the public url/media prefix from the .env file or from the server config file: ./config/server.ts if you don't define the MEDIA_PREFIX key in the .env file

🔧 Using .env file for environment configuration

The plugin get the public url/media prefix from .env file using the key MEDIA_PREFIX

so be sure to add MEDIA_PREFIX key in the .env file


🚀 Using ./config/server.ts file for environment configuration

The plugin can also get the public url/media prefix from the server config file: ./config/server.ts if you don't define the MEDIA_PREFIX key in the .env file

so be sure to add url key in the server config file

in the file: ./config/server.ts

1// ./config/server.ts
2export default ({ env }) => ({
3  host: env('HOST', ''),
4  port:'PORT', 1337),
5  app: {
6    keys: env.array('APP_KEYS'),
7  },
8  url: env('PUBLIC_URL', 'http://localhost:1337'), // be sure to add this line

or in the file: ./config/server.js

1// ./config/server.js
2module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
3  host: env('HOST', ''),
4  port:'PORT', 1337),
5  app: {
6	keys: env.array('APP_KEYS'),
7  },
8  url: env('PUBLIC_URL', 'http://localhost:1337'), // be sure to add this line


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Install now

npm install strapi-plugin-media-prefix


5 GitHub stars221 weekly downloads

Last updated

294 days ago

Strapi Version

4.20.0 and above


github profile image for kirwako

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