Strapi plugin logo for Netlify Deployments

Netlify Deployments

Strapi v4 plugin to trigger, monitor and cancel a deployment on Netlify.

thumbnail for Netlify Deployments

Netlify Deployments

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Strapi v4 plugin to trigger, monitor, and cancel deployments on one or more Netlify sites.

Plugin Preview

Home Page:

Plugin Home Page

Settings Page:

Plugin Settings Page


Install dependency

Run the following command in your Strapi project to install netlify-deployments:

1yarn add strapi-plugin-netlify-deployments
2# or
3npm i -S strapi-plugin-netlify-deployments

Enable plugin configuration

Open config/plugins.js file and add the netlify-deployments entry:

1module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
2  "netlify-deployments": {
3    enabled: true,
4  },


You can now run Strapi:

1yarn develop

You should see the Netlify Deployments menu in the left panel.

Note: You may need to run yarn build in order to see the new menu entries.

Then you can proceed with the plugin configuration.

Plugin Configuration

Config properties


1module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
2  "netlify-deployments": {
3    enabled: true,
4    config: {
5      accessToken: "<netlify-access-token>",
6      sites: [
7        {
8          name: 'Site 1',
9          id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
10          buildHook: "<hook_id>",
11          branch: 'master' // optional
12        }
13      ]
14    },
15  },

The plugin is reading the following configuration variables to work:

  • accessToken: Access token of your Netlify account used to fetch the list of deployments

  • sites: An array of Netlify sites to view and manage deploys.

    • The array must have objects with a name, id, and buildHook. Optionally, you can include a branch to override the default value of master. The id can be found under Site settings > General and you can follow this guide to create a build hook.

Environment Configuration

You shouldn't disclose your Access Token for security reasons. Therefore, you shouldn't add this value to versioning in a public git repository. A suggested solution is to use an environment variable. Example:

1module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
2  "netlify-deployments": {
3    enabled: true,
4    config: {
6    },
7  },

Local development

For local development, you can add the config properties in your .env file:



You can save these values as process env variable on your server (e.g. this guide is for Heroku).


Thanks to gianlucaparadise for making strapi-plugin-vercel-deploy which this was based on.

Install now

npm install strapi-plugin-netlify-deployments


8 GitHub stars112 weekly downloads

Last updated

465 days ago

Strapi Version



github profile image for Jarrett Lusso
Jarrett Lusso

Useful links

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