In case you missed it, we had a blast running a Plugin Week last week! The crowning event of this Plugin week was the very first Strapi Hackathon!
Our goal for the week was to celebrate plugin creators and show the power of Strapi Plugins with sessions, workshops and hangouts!! To do that, we streamed every day of the week on all things Strapi Plugins.
Here are recordings of all the sessions.
May 30th: Week Launch and Strapi 101
May 31st: Q&A with Strapi Engineers (Mark and Remi)
June 1st: Enterprises and Plugins Mateusz by from VirtusLab
June 2nd: Live coding and Q&A with Strapi Engineers (Mark, Paul and Remi)
June 3rd: Week Recap
StrapiConf Hackathon
We held the very first community hackathon, and it was amazing to see so much excitement around them in the Discord. We had over 15 submissions and were very impressed with the quality and creativity of the plugins developed by the hackathon participants.
Special shoutout to Scott (creator of, Maeva, Daedalus and Lith for their help as jurors for the hackathon
Here are the winners!
First Prize Winner
Strapi URL Alias Plugin by Boaz Poolman
npm page GitHub page Demo video
Second Prize Winner
Chartbrew Plugin for Strapi by Razvan Ilin
npm page GitHub page Demo video
We initially planned to have a third prize and funniest/most but we had a tie for third prize.
Third Prize Winners
Strapi Custom API Builder by Vivek M. Agarwal
npm page GitHub page Demo video
Strapi Generate Schema Plugin by Cameron Paczek
npm page GitHub page Demo video
A big thank you to everyone who participated in the hackathon. Here are links to their plugins so you can try them out!
We’re also curating a playlist of videos to show how these plugins work!
Need another plugin? Our marketplace was made for just that. Check it out and get building!
Although a secondary goal of the Plugin week, we put together a Plugin page with curated plugin resources, everything you’ll need to build the plugins you need. Here are some other useful resources:
How to create a Strapi v4 Plugin
- Generate a plugin
- File structure
- Add a content-type to a plugin
- Server customization
- Admin customization
- Publishing on npm
For the more visual learners, we have a Youtube playlist
The plugin week is over. Regardless, you can still use everything we put together to build your own plugins and use them to extend your Strapi applications. Be sure to add them to the marketplace.
Till the next time!
Developer Relations @ Weaviate | Developer Education and Experience | Builder and International Speaker