Developing applications faster is a top priority for every company. In this talk from the graphQL San Francisco meetup, Pierre explained how Strapi provides an easy way to create API on the fly and query your data through a generated GraphQL schema. By integrating GraphQL with any front-end frameworks, Pierre showed us how to easily accelerate content and features delivery. You’ll find a video recording and slides below.
Thank you @reddit for hosting the GraphQL SF #9 with @pierreburgy talking about delivering faster with @strapijs and @GraphQL
— Strapi (@strapijs) January 31, 2020
A big thank you to Gerard Sans the organizer and Reddit for hosting the event!
If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we’ve recently published a tutorial series for each of the following frontend frameworks: Gatsby, Next.js, Nuxt, or Angular and Apollo for requesting the Strapi API with GraphQL.
Victor Coisne is VP Marketing at Strapi, the leading Open Source Headless CMS. As an open-source and developer community enthusiast, Victor has been working for Open Core B2B companies for more than a decade including 5+ years as Head of Community at Docker. In his free time, Victor enjoys spending time with friends, wine tasting, playing chess, tennis or soccer.