Short article for a long list of bugs resolved.
Over the last few months, tens of major features have been added to Strapi: Authentication, Permissions management, Upload, GraphQL, Rich Text Editor, JavaScript SDK and more. All of these features pushed Strapi to the next level, making it one of the most advanced Node.js open source solution to build APIs.
Adding features is good, offering a stable product is even better.
Implementing so many new functionalities also brought some bugs which led to a bad experience about the software. But don't worry! As announced in the latest release article, we have been working hard on stabilising your favorite API creation tool and adding a far better SQL support.
🚀 SQL automatic migrations
Using MySQL or PostgreSQL with Strapi was difficult. The tables were not created automatically, so you had to create them manually. That was really frustrating.
SQL tables and columns are now created automatically according to your models structure!
In an ideal world, SQL tables and columns should be created automatically according to your model schema. Since now, this is implemented in Strapi. Let's say you are creating an e-commerce API with a product
Content Type: the table products
will be created automatically. Just let the magic happen.
🐛 Bug fix
Tens of bugs have been fixed and enhancements added. The setup time has been drastically reduced in order to make contributions easier. Please take a look at the changelog for more informations.
Huge thanks to abdonrd, derrickmehaffy, Froelund, juampynr, Luukth, pedrocruzio, pongstr, stephledev, XcrossD and zhuang17 for your contributions!
Give it a try!
Looking forward to try this new version?
- Node 9 installed on your machine.
- MongodDB installed and running.
Install it:
1$ npm i strapi@alpha -g
Check installation:
1$ strapi -v
This should print 3.0.0-alpha.12.1
Create your first project:
1$ strapi new my-app
Choose your database credentials.
Start your server:
1$ cd my-app
2$ strapi start
Open the admin panel, start building your API, give a look at the documentation to discover the next steps and join us on Slack to give your feedback.
Migrating to v3@alpha.12.1
If you are already building an API using Strapi, we recommend you to to migrate to this version. Don't worry, a fully detailed migration guide is available.
What's next?
The next two weeks are also going to be dedicated to fixing bugs and improving the code base (using Prettier and ESLint).
After that, we will be able to add new features much more serenely.
Stay tuned!
Pierre created Strapi with Aurélien and Jim back in 2015. He's a strong believer in open-source, remote and people-first organizations. You can also find him regularly windsurfing or mountain-biking!