Here comes Strapi v3@alpha.14, with a set of eagerly-awaited features:
🎉 GraphQL Aggregations & Grouping
Aggregations & Grouping are very handful ways to get insights about your data. They let you easily access some computed values:
- count
- sum
- avg
- min
- max
Let's say you are building a social network and you need to retrieve aggregated and grouped data about posts, with GraphQL you will only need to do the following:
1postsConnection {
2 groupBy {
3 published: {
4 key
5 connection {
6 aggregate {
7 avg {
8 nb_likes
9 }
10 }
11 }
12 }
13 }
Powerful, eh?
Take a look at the Strapi GraphQL documentation to get more advanced insights.
Thanks a lot Kaml for this contribution!
Note: at the moment, this feature is only available for MongoDB.
🎨 Content Manager Customization
The Content Manager is probably one of your favorite plugin. Its purpose is to make content edition as easy as possible.
With ease must come customization.
The current version was generating the interface according to your Content Types structure. That makes the usage really confortable through a simple promise: define your Content Types and you will get an auto-generated interface to manage content.
With automation comes limitations. The farther you were going, the higher were the chances to get an interface misaligned with your expectations. For example: the displayed fields in the list view were not the ones you wanted, or the items were not in the expected order in the edit view.
Good news, with this new version you can take back control.
List view
A brand new section has been added in the Content Manager. Thanks to it you can select items and reorder them. You can even select which fields must be searchable.
Edit view
Same thing in edit view: displaying, hiding and ordering fields has never been easier!
🔐 Security improvements
Last but not least, the Users & Permissions also got its improvements.
Email confirmation
Registering users is good. Validating their email address is better.
Security must be a primary concern when it comes to API.
Thanks to the new email confirmation feature, users need to validate their email address to be considered as authenticated.
Block malicious users
Even after email validation, users can become malicious. From now one you can block them from your Strapi dashboard and they won't be able to make any threatening action.
🐛 Bug fix
As usual, tens of bugs have been fixed and enhancements added. Please take a look at the changelog for more information.
Thank you chrisdekker1997, danielehrhardt, derrickmehaffy, heyarne, jfrux, jonlov, jskorepa, kamalbennani, kuongknight, lucaperret, maturano, sdubrez, soupette, sundaycrafts, synth3tk and others for your contributions!
Give it a try!
Update your Strapi version through a single command line:
1$ npm i strapi@alpha -g
Take a look at the Getting Started guide to jump on board.
Migrating to v3@alpha.14
If you are already building an API using Strapi, we recommend you to to migrate to this version. Don't worry, a fully detailed migration guide is available.
Win a Strapi Fan Package!
As you may have seen on Twitter, we received our new t-shirts and caps!
Get yours: retweet and try to win one of the 3 available Strapi Fan Packages.
Three winners will be drawn among people having retweeted our latest tweet before September 19th 12:00pm Paris time.
What's next?
Many improvements are coming, especially GraphQL mutations and documentation enhancements. Stay tuned on Twitter!
Oh, by the way, we are still hiring!
Pierre created Strapi with Aurélien and Jim back in 2015. He's a strong believer in open-source, remote and people-first organizations. You can also find him regularly windsurfing or mountain-biking!