"Is there a plugin for that?" We get this question a lot at Strapi. And for good reason: finding the right plugin isn't that easy. Try no more, Strapi Market is coming soon! We now have a dedicated team working on building the most active & best quality open-source ecosystem for Strapi.
Here is a quick preview of what we are working on.
One place to list 'em all!
Our main goal is to ensure you can quickly find what you are looking for from a unique and trustworthy ecosystem.
Our brilliant community members have already created a lot of plugins that are available on Github and npm. However, when you have a specific need, sifting through different repositories is not necessarily the easiest or most intuitive approach. We want to make it easy for our users to find what they are looking for by providing structure to the ecosystem and centralizing all resources available for kickstarting or expanding a Strapi project.
Moreover, thanks to our new Plugin API and Design system as part of the v4 released soon, we are going to improve technical and design documentation and set up a validation process to ensure the best experience for plugin users and creators.
How will it work?
We want the best marketplace experience on the web and in the app. We are currently focusing on the web version of our marketplace, but the in-app one won't have to wait long to get some love as well, and you will then be able to do one-click installs directly from the administration panel.
You will soon find a list of plugins and integrations on market.strapi.io. Everything you find here will either be made by Strapi or developed by our community members and reviewed by our teams. Each project will have links to the Github and npm pages so that you can get some support from the plugin developers, or even contribute! Since all plugins will be hosted on npm, we will provide the necessary commands to install the packages via your terminal.
The plugin creators will be able to submit their plugins and integrations directly on a dashboard via our marketplace and will have access to analytic dashboards about them.
All the plugins will be free at first, like they are today, but enabling plugin monetization and making sure our plugin creators are rewarded for their hard work is definitely a hot topic for further iterations.
So, when and where will it be available?
We are now finishing up the project specs and getting ready to make it available in the first half of Q4 on market.strapi.io.
More information will come along the way. In the meantime, if you have any thoughts or expectations regarding this future marketplace, let us know, and you can find our list of community plugins and integrations here.
See you soon!
Emilie is a Senior Product Manager at Strapi. She comes from Reunion Island and has been living in Paris for more than 10 years. She likes to sing (#StrapiBand), travel and is a plant & animal enthusiast.