Strapi plugin logo for Webtools


🔗 Unique, flexible and autogenerated URLs for your Strapi managed web content.

Strapi Webtools

Everything you need to build a website with Strapi CMS

Read the documentation

NPM Version Monthly download on NPM CI build status

The Webtools suite is still in BETA

✨ Features

  • Unique URLs Every page will get their own unique path
  • Auto generated Automatically generated based on a pattern
  • Flexible Overwrite single URLs
  • Frontend router Get any page by it's unique path from the public API
  • Auto slugify The URLs will automatically be slugified to ensure valid paths

⏳ Installation

Read the Getting Started tutorial or follow the steps below:

# using yarn
yarn add @pluginpal/webtools-core

# using npm
npm install @pluginpal/webtools-core --save

After successful installation you have to rebuild the admin UI so it'll include this plugin. To rebuild and restart Strapi run:

# using yarn
yarn build
yarn develop

# using npm
npm run build
npm run develop

Enjoy 🎉

📓 Documentation

See our dedicated repository for all of PluginPal's documentation, or view the Webtools documentation live:

🔌 Addons

Webtools can be extended by installing addons that hook into the core Webtools functionality. Read more about how addons work and how to install them in the addons documentation.

🔗 Links

🌎 Community support

📝 Resources

Install now

npm install @pluginpal/webtools-core


40 GitHub stars268 weekly downloads

Last updated

175 days ago

Strapi Version

4.0.0 and above


github profile image for Boaz Poolman
Boaz Poolman

Useful links

Create your own plugin

Check out the available plugin resources that will help you to develop your plugin or provider and get it listed on the marketplace.