First of all, Happy New Year!
*knock knock knock*
— Strapi (@strapijs) January 2, 2020
- Who's this?
- Strapi.
- Strapi who?
- Strapi New Year 🎉
The Strapi team wishes you a joyful, healthy and happy new year 2020 🚀
2019 has been another great year not only for Strapi but also for the ecosystem.
JAMstack and Headless CMS trends are growing like never before!
Over the last 12 months, Strapi grew:
- from alpha 17 to beta 18 🏗
- from 15,000 to 57,000 downloads per month 💻
- from 10,000 to 20,000 stars on GitHub 🌟 (give yours!)
- from 173 to 325 contributors 🙌
- from 6 to 12 people on the team 👨👩👧👦
The numbers speak for themselves. 2019 was super exciting and made Strapi the most advanced open-source, Node.js based, headless CMS!
Let’s start with a quick recap of the past year.
2019 achievements 👀
The community has been very engaged and more vibrant than ever:
- 1387 issues closed
- 726 pull requests merged
- 168 contributors
A HUGE thanks and shout out to all contributors!
The product has been our #1 priority. We strongly believe that the best way to make you happy is to give you the most wanted features through a fantastic user experience. That’s why we spend so much time discussing on GitHub issues and analyzing your requests on our roadmap.
Lots of new functionalities have been released:
- SQLite support & Settings view
- Admin Users split
- Creating a Strapi project is way easier
- Repeatable Groups
- Dynamic Zones
- Tons of improvements.
Adding Repeatable Groups and Dynamic Zones made Strapi the leading open-source Headless CMS and the most flexible one! Thanks to these features, you can configure Strapi to make it ideally suited for your most specific needs required by your personal and professional projects.
Strapi went from Alpha to Beta.
🎉 Goodbye alpha, hello beta! 🎉 Discover the new Strapi.
- 🆙 Seamless version upgrade
- 💅 Overhaul of the Admin UI build process
- 💪 Reliable Deployment
- 🤹 Improved stability
- 🎁 New Core API
- 🛤 Easier Monorepo setup
We not only released features in the product but also published an entire React components library based on styled-components: Design System.
That way, you will be able to quickly create your Strapi plugins with a seamless design.
Many of you appreciated our tutorials, like Building a Static Blog using Gatsby and Strapi, and asked for more. For these reasons, we published the Tutorials page, which is both a curation of external tutorials and a way to publish more tutorials made by the community.
Almost ten tutorials have been published since its publication, and many more have been curated from the community. We are always looking for new writers. If you have already written a Strapi tutorial or blog and would like us to feature it on our website and social media, please don't hesitate to create an issue on the Strapi tutorial GitHub repository.
Headless is clearly the future of CMS and Strapi has the ambition to become the de-facto solution. To accelerate our growth we've raised $4M from awesome investors.
This funding boost will help deliver on our vision of making content accessible to any platform while offering the only fully open-source, JavaScript-based, community-powered and 100% customizable Headless CMS, entirely free for developers.
I am extremely proud of the team that actually doubled in size this year. We have been very happy to welcome Virginie, Alexandre, Maxime, Maeva, Bayane, Victor, and Julien. It’s all about people!
Oh, by the way, we are still hiring!
2020 🛣
2019 was great; 2020 is going to be even more exciting! Here are our New Year's resolutions!
Stable version
Even though the beta version is much more stable than the Alpha, we know that some of you eagerly await the stable release to use Strapi in production. I'm thrilled to announce that the stable version will be released in the first quarter 🎉.
Product roadmap
Our public roadmap is based on the most upvoted requests from the Strapi community.
Here are the upcoming features for the first quarter:
Then, we will release the two most wanted enterprise features:
Regarding advanced usage or customization, documentation is extremely important for developers. Over the past three months, we've added 20 guides. Not only will we continue in this direction but also update its structure so that you can easily find what you are looking for.
Deploying Strapi can be tricky for front-end developers using low-code/NoCode. To make your life easier we will provide you with "one-click buttons" so you can effortlessly deploy fresh Strapi projects on your favorite cloud provider.
Just teasing, the Strapi website will soon wear a brand new style!
2019 was great. 2020 is going to be awesome. We're thrilled and humbled to share this journey with you! 😀
Happy with this news? Please spread the word or add a comment. 📣
Did we forget anything in our New Year's resolutions? Please let us know, and thank you so much for all these support messages throughout the year! 🚀
Strapi is an open-source Headless CMS that looks very interesting.
— Sid Sijbrandij (@sytses) March 7, 2019
Today I have fallen in love. Head over heels. Who for? @strapijs of course 😍What a fantastic system!
— Gareth Thompson 🇬🇧 (@cssgareth) January 8, 2019
wow... @strapijs is possibly the headless CMS I have been dreaming of all these years... within an hour I already have auth / permissions & relations. It's like Wordpress ACF on steroids without PHP headache.
— Tom Warham (@TommWarham) August 12, 2019
Wauw, @strapijs you are my new best friend 😍#javascript #NodeJS #strapijs
— Daniel Malmros (@dmalmros) August 10, 2019
*finds out about @strapijs*
— Glen Codes (@GlenCodes) December 20, 2019
*then finds out how easy it is to implement GraphQL on strapi*
Wait....that's it? That's all you have to do?
Pierre created Strapi with Aurélien and Jim back in 2015. He's a strong believer in open-source, remote and people-first organizations. You can also find him regularly windsurfing or mountain-biking!